Thursday Mar 28, 2024

The Keys to Effective Dashboarding with Donna Dube || Ep 339

Famous retail magnate John Wanamaker once said "Half my advertising spend is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half." And without clear, understandable dashboards, business owners today hit the same issues.

Today's guest is Donna Dube, President of Productivity Plus. Donna's focus is something that I think every business owner should care about. In this episode, we are going to talk about how to set up dashboards and how to ensure you are getting the best bang for your buck.    

Donna is a certified director of operations, who focuses on data & measurement. She works with established online entrepreneurs who are ready to make a bigger impact and maximize their profit by leveraging the power of their data without complex spreadsheets or math. Her motto is to make data way less dull and her client’s businesses way more profitable!

After listening to today's episode, visit Donna's website to learn more about her website dashboard minicourse!



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