Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Crafting Your Growth Vision with Daniella Genas || Ep 416
Our guest today is Daniella Genas of She’s The Boss International. Daniella works with entrepreneurs and owners looking to get to the next level. In today's episode, we will talk about the need for a practical vision and implementation steps to move you, the owner, from being the hub of every wheel in your company to being the leader of your company.
Daniella helps SMEs to transform their businesses. She has used her techniques, experience, and training to generate significant results among the companies she has worked with. Key metrics include increased turnover and profits, increased staff, the launch of new products/services, and increased brand awareness across several businesses, in a diverse range of sectors. Daniella launched her first successful business in 2007 and her second business in 2014.
She sold both businesses in 2015. In addition to her entrepreneurial endeavors, Daniella lists University Lecturer, Charity Trustee, radio presenter, and Visiting Industrial Fellow as roles in her portfolio career. Daniella’s current focus is empowering SMEs to build profitable, sustainable, systems-driven businesses.
With an MBA and Master's under her belt, alongside her entrepreneurial experience and formal business training, Daniella has a breadth of knowledge that has proven invaluable to the clients she works with. She has a proven track record of supporting clients to grow revenues by 6 figures.
After listening to today's episode, check out Daniella's website to learn how she can help you accelerate your business growth by up to 75%.